Safety is our top priority. As our mountain team takes every possible precaution to ensure your safety, it's worth mentioning there are inherent risks when entering backcountry terrain.

Our tour operates on a semi-retired ski resort, which means that you are never very far from our lodge and first responders' security. Our terrain offers a wide variety of fun features and challenging landscapes, but hazards and avalanche risk are always present.

Our qualified guides, emergency preparedness and meticulous attention to the changing terrain and snow conditions all help ensure a safe day of CAT skiing. All guides and snowcat drivers participate in daily meetings to discuss snow stability, weather conditions and other hazards to improve the team’s awareness of mountain conditions. All guides, CAT drivers and office staff carry radios during operating hours and maintain regular communication. All guides have rescue and first-aid equipment with them and each snowcat is equipped with additional first-aid and rescue devices.


Each snowcat is equipped with two qualified guides (lead and tail) and one CAT driver.  Our lead guide will show you the way and the tail guide ensures that we have all guests accounted for.  In addition to their witty personalities, all of our guides have been trained and certified to guide in the backcountry.  Our guides are required to have advanced first aid and avalanche training and all of our staff participate in ongoing training, remain current with industry standards and take part in pre-season avalanche and rescue training.